MS-10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell

Czas trwania kursu:
5 dni
3399 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • koncepcja Windows PowerShell
  • praca z potokami
  • eksportowanie, importowanie i konwersja danych
  • filtrowanie wyjścia obiektów
  • wykorzystanie PSProviders oraz PSDrives
  • formatowanie wyjścia
  • wykorzystanie WMI oraz CIM
  • praca ze zmiennymi i tablicami
  • tworzenie skryptów
  • przenoszenie z powłoki do skryptu
  • przenoszenie ze skryptu do funkcji
  • implementacja przechwytywania błędów
  • administrowanie komputerami zdalnymi
  • wykorzystanie zmiennych w PowerShell
  • wykorzystanie zadań
  • zaawansowane techniki PowerShell oraz profile

Paweł Pławiak, Microsoft Certified Trainer

Tematyka szkolenia pokrywa zagadnienia wymagane na ścieżce MCSA: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016
Dowiedz się więcej o certyfikacjach Microsoft


  • Module 1: Getting started with Windows PowerShell
    Overview and background of Windows PowerShell
    Understanding command syntax
    Finding commands
    Lab: Configuring Windows PowerShell
    Lab: Finding and running basic commands

  • Module 2: Cmdlets for administration
    Active Directory administration cmdlets
    Network configuration cmdlets
    Other server administration cmdlets
    Lab: Windows Administration

  • Module 3: Working with the Windows PowerShell pipeline
    Understanding the pipeline
    Selecting, sorting, and measuring objects
    Filtering objects out of the pipeline
    Enumerating objects in the pipeline
    Sending pipeline data as output
    Lab: Using the pipeline
    Lab: Filtering objects
    Lab: Enumerating objects
    Lab: Sending output to a file

  • Module 4: Understanding how the pipeline works
    Passing the pipeline data
    Advanced considerations for pipeline data
    Lab: Working with pipeline parameter binding

  • Module 5: Using PSProviders and PSDrives
    Using PSProviders
    Using PSDrives
    Lab: Using PSProviders and PSDrives

  • Module 6: Querying system information by using WMI and CIM
    Understanding WMI and CIM
    Querying data by using WMI and CIM
    Making changes with WMI/CIM
    Lab: Working with WMI and CIM

  • Module 7: Working with variables, arrays, and hash tables
    Using variables
    Manipulating variables
    Manipulating arrays and hash tables
    Lab: Working with variable

  • Module 8: Basic scripting
    Introduction to scripting
    Scripting constructs
    Importing data from files
    Lab: Basic scripting

  • Module 9: Advanced scripting
    Accepting user input
    Overview of script documentation
    Troubleshooting and error handling
    Functions and modules
    Lab: Accepting data from users
    Lab: Implementing functions and modules

  • Module 10: Administering Remote Computers
    Using basic Windows PowerShell remoting
    Using advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques
    Using PSSessions
    Lab: Using basic remoting
    Lab: Using PSSessions

  • Module 11: Using background jobs and scheduled jobs
    Using background jobs
    Using scheduled jobs
    Lab: Using background jobs and scheduled jobs

  • Module 12: Using advanced Windows PowerShell techniques
    Creating profile scripts
    Using advanced techniques
    Lab: Practicing advanced techniques
    Lab: Practicing script development (optional)
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell




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CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa