MS-55318 Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell (dawniej MS-10962)

Czas trwania kursu:
3 dni
2399 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • tworzenie zaawansowanych funkcji
  • zastosowanie cmdlets oraz Microsoft .NET Framework w Windows PowerShell
  • tworzenie skryptów kontrolera
  • obsługa błędów w skryptach
  • zastosowanie plików z danymi XML
  • zarządzanie konfiguracjami serwera za pomocą Desired State Configuration
  • analiza i debugowanie skryptów
  • przepływy pracy w Windows PowerShell

Paweł Pławiak, Microsoft Certified Trainer

Tematyka szkolenia pokrywa zagadnienia wymagane na ścieżce MCSA: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016
Dowiedz się więcej o certyfikacjach Microsoft


  • Module 1: Creating Advanced Functions
    Converting a command into an advanced function
    Creating a script module
    Defining parameter attributes and input validation
    Writing functions that accept pipeline input
    Producing complex pipeline output
    Using comment-based Help
    Using Whatif and Confirm parameters
    Lab: Creating advanced functions

  • Module 2: Using Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API in Windows PowerShell
    Using .NET Framework in PowerShell
    Using REST API in PowerShell
    Lab: Using Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API in Windows PowerShell

  • Module 3: Writing controller scripts
    Understanding controller scripts
    Writing controller scripts with a user interface
    Writing controller scripts that create reports
    Lab: Writing controller scripts

  • Module 4: Handling script errors
    Understanding error handling
    Handling errors in a script
    Lab: Handling script errors

  • Module 5: Using XML, JSON, and custom-formatted data
    Working with XML formatted data
    Working with JSON formatted data
    Working with custom-formatted data
    Lab: Working with XML and JSON formatted data

  • Module 6: Enhancing server management with Desired State Configuration and Just Enough Administration
    Implementing Desired State Configuration
    Implementing Just Enough Administration
    Lab: Creating and deploying a DSC configuration

  • Module 7: Analyzing and debugging scripts
    Debugging in Windows PowerShell
    Analyzing and debugging an existing script
    Lab: Analyzing and debugging scripts

  • Module 8: Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflow
    Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflows
    Running Windows PowerShell Workflows
    Lab: Create and run Windows PowerShell Workflows
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55318 Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell (dawniej MS-10962)




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CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa